When will life return to pre-pandemic levels? The Pfizer chief suspects it could return to normal by late fall. However, annual boosters will probably be needed for the vaccine developed jointly with Biontech. He has good news regarding the availability of the vaccine.
In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says a third shot could be needed as a booster, followed by annual vaccination. “A likely scenario is that there will be a need for a third dose, somewhere between six and 12 months, and then an annual revaccination, but all of that has yet to be confirmed,” the U.S. pharmaceutical company’s chief executive told U.S. broadcaster CNBC in an interview published Thursday.
Sars-CoV-2 variants also played a major role. Other scientists and pharmaceutical representatives had already expressed similar views. Pfizer and its German partner Biontech, as well as other manufacturers, are already studying the effect of possible boosters of their Corona vaccines.
“Covid will become like a kind of flu”
In addition, Bourla expects that despite the current heightened Corona situation, normal life will be possible again in late fall. This is shown by the experience from Israel, where large parts of the population have already been vaccinated with the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine, says the Pfizer CEO in an interview with “Handelsblatt” as well as the newspapers “La Stampa” from Italy, “Les Echos” from France and “El Mundo” from Spain.
“Covid will become like a kind of flu. We will get vaccinated and live as normal as possible.” The vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer is 97 percent effective and also helps against the known variants of the Sars Cov-2 virus that are particularly contagious and lead to severe disease, Bourla affirms. If there are new mutations, these can be combated quickly with further developments of the mRNA vaccine. This technology allows much faster vaccine development than in the past, he adds.
– source: ntv.de/picture: gds.ro
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